Staff Council operates five committees comprised of employees across campus working towards unified and targeted goals.

Campus Physical Environment
The Campus Physical Environment Committee shall work to provide staff with a voice and knowledge in areas of concern with the campus physical environment. The committee shall focus on topics that may include but are not limited to: considerations that Georgia Tech is a multi-campus Institute; accessibility to campus; security and safety of the campus environment; transportation and parking needs to and from each campus and around campus; consideration that Georgia Tech campuses operate on a 24-hour/7 day a week schedule; sustainability for each campus to reduce the carbon foot print.
The Communications Committee shall work to promote the activities of the Staff Council and its standing committees; contribute to ongoing communications initiatives of the council to help insure transparent, timely and relevant communication to target audiences; work regularly with the other standing committees to facilitate consistency and professionalism of communication efforts originating from those groups; engage with the Office of Human Resources, Institute Communications and other appropriate units to publicize council initiatives, achievements and other relevant information to the Georgia Tech Staff at large.

Compensation and Benefits
The Compensation and Benefits Committee shall be a voice for advocating issues relevant to GT employees. The Compensation and Benefits Committee will partner, collaborate, and engage with the Office of Human Resources to represent the interests of staff employees and work with organizations, such as the Faculty Benefits Committee to achieve a favorable outcome relevant to compensation and benefits.
Employee Engagement
The Employee Engagement committee shall work to address topics specific to the employee experience at Georgia Tech including staff retention efforts, recognition, diversity, fair treatment and employee engagement in ways that reinforce Institute values and fit within the Institute’s mission.

Employee Health and Well Being
The Employee Health and Well Being committee shall work to inspire, encourage and support employees in the pursuit of their chosen work/life balance, community service endeavors, and health and wellness objectives; provide recommendations for resources for support and assistance; and give employees a confidential forum to express their concerns and ideas about the state of health and well-being for staff at Georgia Tech.